Current 2021-2026 Plan
In March 2022, the cabinet approved the current Plan with a deadline of 2026 and Red Eléctrica shall be held binding.
It contains actions and developments in the transmission grid that will promote renewable energy, a more robust and resilient power supply, and greater well-being and prosperity for the regions.
All documentation, with the Modifications of specific aspects approved in April 2024, is pending updating. It is currently only available in Spanish.
All documentation, with the Modifications of specific aspects approved in April 2024, is pending updating. It is currently only available in Spanish.

More renewable
We will strengthen the grid to connect and integrate a new contingent of renewable generation at the pace set by the PNIEC and make it available to consumers.
Thanks to the developments contemplated in the 21-26 Planning, 37,000 MW of new renewable facilities will be connected so that in 2026 these green energies will reach a share of 67% in the national electricity production mix. Thus, CO2 eq emissions will be reduced by 66% with respect to those recorded in 2019 (the year prior to the pandemic), provided that the PNIEC forecasts and the full implementation of this Planning are met.
Did you know that if we do not implement this planning, we will waste 15% of green production? On the contrary, with the planned developments, this waste will be reduced to 4%, in line with European recommendations. Thanks to this progress in the green transition process, in 2026 the CO2 eq emissions of our electricity system will stand at 17 million tons of CO2 eq, which will represent a 66% reduction compared to those recorded in 2019.

More connected
The Planning will allow us to continue enjoying a safe, continuous and high quality electricity supply and will allow us to meet new demands and needs.
Planning 21-26 dedicates 27% of its total investments to the development of actions that will reinforce the reliability of the electricity supply where it is necessary and will strengthen both the link between the transmission grid and the distribution networks and the supply of large industrial demands or railway axes. Specifically, the Plan will enable the supply of 13 new railway lines and will facilitate the supply of new large consumers.
Likewise, projects such as the inter-island links and the reinforcement of the interconnection between the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands are contemplated, which will contribute decisively to the security of supply in these territories and cover their demand.
Finally, this Planning also includes the development of vital international interconnections to continue strengthening the quality and security of our supply, because the larger a system is, the more secure it is. These links with other countries will also contribute to consolidating Spain's integration into Europe's Internal Electricity Market.

More wellness
The planned investments will boost economic activity and strengthen the industrial fabric of the regions, creating jobs, wealth and well-being.
Planning will be a catalyst for economic and social progress in our country, providing a strong impetus to the necessary post-pandemic recovery process. The planned investments will activate the sectors associated with the installation of electricity infrastructures. In this way, the creation of these new infrastructures will create employment, wealth and new opportunities in the territory.
On the other hand, all the Plan's actions are aimed at achieving maximum efficiency and economic sustainability and have been designed with the minimum cost to the consumer in mind. In this way, this development plan as a whole will generate significant savings and efficiencies for the electricity system that will benefit consumers.
Networks that protect our environment

The planning process followed a rigorous Strategic Environmental Assessment procedure to make it sustainable and respectful of the environment. In this way, environmental and territorial conditioning factors have been prioritized in its design, with a greater use of the existing network, avoiding the most sensitive areas and reducing actions with an environmental effect on the territory. In fact, only 13% of all the renewable generation expected to be connected by 2026 in areas where this is not currently possible will require new transmission substations.
The planning process followed a rigorous Strategic Environmental Assessment procedure to make it sustainable and respectful of the environment. In this way, environmental and territorial conditioning factors have been prioritized in its design, with a greater use of the existing network, avoiding the most sensitive areas and reducing actions with an environmental effect on the territory. In fact, only 13% of all the renewable generation expected to be connected by 2026 in areas where this is not currently possible will require new transmission substations.

Networks that we have designed together and for everyone

This electrical planning is the result of an exercise of collective responsibility. Public administrations and the different agents of civil society have participated in its preparation, working together with a common goal: to build, together, a useful and valuable network for all. For the first time, the consultation process has been open to all citizens, companies and administrations, whose high participation (more than 3,200 allegations) has demonstrated the enormous interest of society as a whole in the process of ecological transition.
This electrical planning is the result of an exercise of collective responsibility. Public administrations and the different agents of civil society have participated in its preparation, working together with a common goal: to build, together, a useful and valuable network for all. For the first time, the consultation process has been open to all citizens, companies and administrations, whose high participation (more than 3,200 allegations) has demonstrated the enormous interest of society as a whole in the process of ecological transition.